Primo Sealing would like to ensure you that we are here for you through these most unprecedented and uncertain times. Our crews are working daily, and we are responding 24/7 to any customer needs, both emergency and non-emergency.
We are answering all calls and requests while we continue to fight through some of our worlds strongest adversity. We will continue to supply world class service that Primo Sealing is known for.
We pledge to keep you and your staff safe by practicing all recommended social distancing measures, along with our staff wearing PPE during any/all critical visits.
We will continue to work within legal guidelines, and update our protocol as needed. The safety of our customers and employees is paramount.
Please continue to support your local, small businesses. Our strength and tenacity as a community will help get ALL of US through these difficult times.
We appreciate everyone one of you.
Thank You for your continued support.
Primo Sealing
